Technical Program

The program for the 2022 Conference has been determined. 

Optimizing and Operating a High Power 5-Band VHF/UHF and EME Roving Station
Impact of FT-8 in Contesting
Chasing DX Records on 4t & 76 GHz from the Flatlands of the Midwest
Lighting Protection for Amateur Radio Towers
YU7EF Antennas at W9JN
Working with HOA's and the Growth of VHF Contesting in AZ
Low Cost Directional Coupler for VHF/UHF
All Mode VHF Radio Sport Operation
Inexpensive Tools for VHF & Above
VP6 and Beginners' EME (Pitcairn Island)
FSK441 vs MSK144 for Meteor-scatter on 222 MHz
The Quest for 222 MHz WAS
Your 10M HTX-100 VHF/UHF Operations

Friday Luncheon Talk:
Amazing Operating Sites Discovered on 31 Stste Roving Expedition, Summer 2021
Saturday Luncheon Talk:
Long Life Low-stress Rotor Loop for VHF/UHF and Microwave

VHF 101
Microwaves 101



If you have topics you'd like to author or present, get ready for CSVHFS 2023!